AnimationSynchronizable |
Synchronizable Animator component.
AttributesSync |
Synchronize methods and fields using attributes.
AttributesSyncLocalBehavior |
Behaviour of local invocation of remote methods.
AttributesSyncSynchronizableField |
Synchronise target field.
AttributesSyncSynchronizableMethod |
Synchronise target Method.
Avatar | Avatar is used to represent a player in a Room.
AvatarBehavior |
Behavior for avatar spawning.
Bucket |
Class Bucket is a collection of players used to define NetLOD behaviour.
BucketBehavior |
Behavior of a LOD bucket.
CommunicationBridge |
Holds references and methods for communications with active Multiplayer component.
Unlike CommunicationBridgeUID, this component does not have a unique identifier (UID).
CommunicationBridgeUID |
Holds references and methods for communications with active Multiplayer and UID components.
Can be used to as object reference when sending packages to other clients.
EnableSynchronizable |
A component for synchronizing the enabling or disabling of a GameObject across multiple clients in a multiplayer environment.
Encryption |
Simple encryption that does not make increase the size of the data transmitted.
Endpoint |
Device endpoint.
InputSynchronizable |
Synchronize inputs (255 buttons and 255 axis maximum)
The input vales will update on this and other clients simultaneously.
InterpolationTransformSynchronizable |
Interpolate transform position and rotation using selected interpolation method.
InterpolationTransformSynchronizableInterpolationMethodType |
Methods for interpolate, extrapolate, and other.
InterpolationTransformSynchronizableLocalBehaviourType |
Behavior of how to polate transform locally.
Multiplayer |
The component Multiplayer gives access to all functionality and communication for Alteruna Multiplayer.
NameGenerator |
Class NameGenerator generates names from a random animal and adjective.
ProcedureParameters |
Parameters containing data to be sent together with Remote Procedure Calls.
Reader |
Class Writer is used to write data to be sent to other Users through a Synchronizable.
RemoteProcedure |
RPC delegate.
RemoteProcedureAck |
RPC ack delegate.
RemoteProcedureReply |
RPC reply delegate.
Rigidbody2DSynchronizable | Rigidbody2DSynchronizable is a Synchronizable that synchronizes the state of a Rigidbody2D component.
RigidbodySynchronizable |
Control and synchronizes an object's position through physics simulation.
RigidbodySynchronizableCommon |
Common Rigidbody synchronizable methods and.
Room |
The Room class defines a room in the network.
Users can join and leave rooms and send data to all other users in the same room.
Service |
Alteruna service class.
ServiceState |
Handle states and events for alternate service.
Spawner |
Class Spawner defines a component which can instantiate and destroy objects on all clients in the Room simultaneously.
SpawnPointer |
Sets Multiplayer's spawn points on enabled, scene is loaded with Multiplayer.LoadScene, or SetAsSpawnPoint is called.
SyncedAxis |
Alternative way of implementing InputSynchronizable.
SyncedEventBaseT |
Base class for syncronizing events with any type of argument.
SyncedKey |
Alternative way of implementing InputSynchronizable.
SyncedKeyKeyMode |
Key behavior mode
Synchronizable |
Class Synchronizable defines a base containing data to be synchronized with other clients in the Room.
Synchronizable also support attributes, but unlike AttributesSync, it does not auto commit changes in fields marked with the SynchronizableField attribute.
SynchronizableSynchronizableField |
Synchronise target field.
SynchronizableSynchronizableMethod |
Synchronise target Method.
TransformSynchronizable |
Class TransformSynchronizable defines a component which synchronizes its game objects transform with other clients in the Playroom.
TransformSynchronizable2D |
Class TransformSynchronizable2D defines a component which synchronizes its game objects transform with other clients in the Playroom.
TransformSynchronizableCommon |
Common Transform Synchronizable methods.
TransformSynchronizableCommonTransform2DAxes |
Flags for setting what axis to sync.
TransformSynchronizableCommonTransformSyncConstraint |
Flags for setting what axis to sync.
UniqueAvatarChild |
Instantiate a prefab as a child from a array.
If avatar index goes beyond the length of the array, it will loop.
UniqueAvatarColor |
Change Hue to a unique color based on avatar index.
UnityLog |
Class UnityLog is responsible for logging internal messages and events.
UnityReader |
Class UnityReader is used to write Unity types to a Reader.
UnityWebRequestExtension | |
UnityWriter |
Class UnityWriter is used to write Unity types to a Writer.
User |
User class containing index and name.
UserId |
User Indexes to target multiple users.
UtcTime |
Useful time related fields using global time.
Note that its its common for the system time to be inaccurate, expect a difference by 5 seconds.
If the machine time is not automatically updated, it can be up to much more.
VoiceSynchronizable |
Synchronizable component for voice chat.
VoiceSynchronizableBitDepth |
Bit depth for audio quality.
VoiceSynchronizableEncryptionType |
Encoding types for data compression.
VoiceSynchronizableSupportedPlatforms |
Supported platforms for audio input.
VoiceSynchronizableUnityMicrophone |
Unity microphone audio input.
Writer |
Class Reader is used to read data recieved from another User.