public class VoiceSynchronizable : Synchronizable
Activity | Value between 0 and 1 representing the activity of the microphone. 1 means that that the volume is above the silence threshold. 0 means that the volume is below the silence threshold and have been for at least SilenceTimeout. |
DeviceName | Name of the input device. |
IsActive | True if the microphone is active and sending data. |
IsSender | True when object is possessed by local user and is recording. False when object acts as receiver. |
LocalInputController | Get the local input controller. The recording device is set to the default microphone. |
Microphone | Audio input method. |
PeakVolume | Highest volume recorded this frame. |
AssembleData | (Overrides SynchronizableAssembleData(Writer, Byte)) |
AvailableInputDevices | Get the list of available input devices. |
ClearDevice | Clear the microphone device and stop recording. |
ClearDeviceLocal | Clear the microphone device and stop recording. |
DisassembleData | (Overrides SynchronizableDisassembleData(Reader, Byte)) |
Possessed | (Overrides CommunicationBridgePossessed(Boolean, User)) |
SetDevice | Set the default microphone as the recording device. |
SetDevice(Int32) | Set the microphone device by index. |
SetDevice(String) | Set the microphone device by name. |
PackageLossBuffer | Maximum number of unordered pending packages. When buffer count been meet, a package is considered lost and will be skipped. Will increase RAM usage. |
PlaybackSource | Source for playback. |
SendFrequency | How often to send data from the buffer. Lower values will decrease latency but increase bandwidth. |
SilenceCutoff | Silence threshold. Values bellow this is considered silence. |
SilenceTimeout | Time in seconds to record after silence threshold is reached. |
Volume | Playback volume. |