Room Class

The Room class defines a room in the network. Users can join and leave rooms and send data to all other users in the same room.


Namespace: Alteruna
Assembly: Alteruna.Trinity (in Alteruna.Trinity.dll) Version: 1.3.4+03e8eebec78141d9d3b2022fda2c0ac58d3116b9
public class Room
Object    Room


ID The ID of this Room.
InviteOnly Defines if this Room should appear in room lists.
IsLocked Get if this Room is locked. True when the room state is busy.
Local Defines if this Room is hosted locally.
MaxUsers The maximum allowed number of Users within this Room
Name The name of this Room.
OnDemand Defines if this Room will automatically close when empty.
Pincode Defines if this Room requires a pin to enter.
Users The Users currently in this Room. Only gets populated if in the same Room.


Destroy Destroy room from server.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
GetUserCount Amount of users in this Room.
Join Attempt to join this Room.
Join(UInt16) Attempt to join this Room using a pin.
KickUser Kick user from current room.
Leave Send to leave request to current Room.


See Also