ServiceStateInvokeRemoteProcedure(String, UInt16, ProcedureParameters, ISerializable, Reliability, RemoteProcedureReply, RemoteProcedureAck) Method

Invoke a Remote Procedure Call (RPC).


Namespace: Alteruna
Assembly: Alteruna.Trinity (in Alteruna.Trinity.dll) Version: 1.3.4+03e8eebec78141d9d3b2022fda2c0ac58d3116b9
public uint InvokeRemoteProcedure(
	string name,
	ushort toUserID,
	ProcedureParameters parameters = null,
	ISerializable userData = null,
	Reliability reliability = 1,
	RemoteProcedureReply replyCallback = null,
	RemoteProcedureAck ackCallback = null


name  String
The name of the RPC to invoke.
toUserID  UInt16
The UserID of the User on which to call the procedure.
parameters  ProcedureParameters  (Optional)
The parameters to be sent to the RPC.
userData  ISerializable  (Optional)
Alternative to the parameters.
reliability  Reliability  (Optional)
The reliability at which to invoke the RPC.
replyCallback  RemoteProcedureReply  (Optional)
RPC replay callback.
ackCallback  RemoteProcedureAck  (Optional)

Return Value

RPC call id of the RPC. Default is 0.

See Also