TextChat Class

Prefab for text chat.


Namespace: Alteruna.Prefabs
Assembly: Alteruna.Doc (in Alteruna.Doc.dll) Version: 1.0.0+29bc43ef8585d42a18a9db073625efae39e7be31
public class TextChat
Object    TextChat



Here we have an example adding a simple command to the text chat.
public class CommandSay : ITextChatCommand
    public string Command { get; } = "helloworld";
    public string Description { get; } = "print a message to local chat.";
    public string Usage { get; } = "/helloWorld <msg>";
    public bool IsCheat { get; } = false;
    public bool IgnoreCase { get; } = true;

    public static void Init() =< TextChatSynchronizable.Commands.Add(new CommandSay());

    public string Execute(TextChatSynchronizable textChat, string[] args)
        if (args.Length < 0)
            textChat.LogError("No message");
            return null;

        return string.Join(" ", args);


ChatBuffer Change max number of buffered chat lines


SendChatMessage Send a chat message.


AllowCheats Allow cheats in the chat default state.
AllowCommands Allow commands in the chat.
AllowHostToToggleCheats Allow a host to enable cheats.
BoldNames Make the names bold in the chat.
GetUserColor Function for getting the user color from user id.
LogErrors Log Unity errors in the chat.
LogLocalOnSend Log local messages when being sent.
LogSystemMessages Log system messages in the chat.
TextChatUpdate Text updated event.
UseRichText Use rich text in the chat.
UseTimeStamps Sort messages based on senders timestamp.

See Also