AlterunaConfig Class

Configuration for Alteruna. The settings are accessed from the project settings under Alteruna Multiplayer.


Namespace: Alteruna.Configs
Assembly: Alteruna.Trinity (in Alteruna.Trinity.dll) Version: 1.3.4+03e8eebec78141d9d3b2022fda2c0ac58d3116b9
public class AlterunaConfig : ScriptableObject
Object    Object    ScriptableObject    AlterunaConfig



AllowMultiplayerSingleton Allow the usage of singleton for location the multiplayer reference.
ConnectOnStart Automatically connect to alteruna services on start.
DisableCamerasOnNonOwnedAvatars When true, cameras will be automatically disabled on avatars that are not owned by the local client.
EnableLOD Enable the network level of detail system.
SimpleAttributes Simple attributes changed the method of invoking attributes for all clients. Simply calling the method will resolve in the attribute being invoked on all clients (inclusive).
Transport Target network transportation layer to utilize. WebSocket only works in WebGL builds. TCP is compatible with WebSocket.

See Also